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Heat Exchanger Options: plate-and-frame and shell-and-tube

Updated: Jul 6, 2021

Reliability, operating and maintenance costs, and energy costs are all heavily impacted by your choice of heat exchanger. We're here to put our 30+ years of industry experience to use and help you make the right decision that will be the best fit for your specific application!

The first step is making sure that your systems can meet required sanitary and regulatory requirements - including any code approvals that may be required (i.e. 3A dairy, BPA pharma, ASME).

We offer a wide range of heat exchangers, two of the most popular ones being plate-and-frame (semi-welded for refrigerant duty & sanitary for food + bev) and shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of each down below! We offer free consultations to do all the work for you and help get you the best fit, give us a call!

For more information, consultations, or other heat exchangers/ products, contact us!

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